Government is Aiming to Reduce Edible Oil Imports of $5 Billion

An official meeting of the federal government and Punjab province convened on Friday to deliberate on reducing the nation’s edible oil import expenditure while bolstering the production of oil-based products.

Chaired by Federal Minister for Commerce and Industries Gohar Ijaz, and Punjab Minister for Industries and Commerce S.M. Tanveer, the meeting delved into various proposals and how to achieve the predetermined targets.

Ijaz stated that the caretaker government’s dedication to unlocking the agricultural potential of the nation. He emphasized that equitable compensation for farmers’ hard work would propel an increase in the country’s exports.

Ensuring the government’s support for farmers, he highlighted the willingness of oil farmers to allocate necessary acreage for commodity cultivation.

Ijaz called for close coordination between the Dalda Board and the Punjab government in identifying suitable areas for oilseed cultivation, asserting that boosting local oil production is crucial for making edible oil exportable.

In his address, Provincial Minister of Industry and Commerce, S M Tanveer, acknowledged the dedication of Pakistan’s scientists, farmers, and citizens but expressed frustration with the lack of an efficient system. Tanveer noted that 58 small dams in the Potohar Region remain dormant, and the Greater Canal Thal project sits idle with machinery rusting away.

Tanveer revealed ongoing efforts to craft a 10-year master plan for agricultural development. Emphasizing the government’s strong stance against smuggling, he anticipates an industrial boost in commodity production. Tanveer stressed the need to reduce the annual $5 billion spent on edible oil imports, with the business community fully supporting the push for self-sufficiency.

Department of Agriculture officials presented an extensive briefing on the measures taken to augment oilseed production. The meeting saw the participation of Chairman Dalda Board, CEO Board, Board Members, DG Extension Agriculture, DG Industries, DG Research, chief scientists, agronomists, and concerned officers.

  • in order to curtail import of edible oil for the amount up to #5 billion why only Punjab agriculture minister was called for such a crucial national objective meeting? there should have been centrally called meeting inviting all four provinces agriculture minister including gilgit baltistan as well. this is the reason we are far behind.

  • Please take care of Afghan transit trade. Afghanistan is importing from Pakistan and we have to import in dollars. Afghan currency is going up as Pakistan is paying in dollars and Afghanistan is saving their dollars.
    Sugar, wheat, rice and other food products are illegally exported to Afghanistan and that is burdening us.

  • The caretaker govt has gone overboard it I’s the pdm govt in the last budget that has alloted thousands of acres to plant canola and reduce the import bill by usd4 to 5 billion there is really no need fr the caretaker govt to take credit fr all economic plans in pakistan

  • You mean we shall have to use ‘desi ghee’ instead of edible oil?

    76 years after independence, our brightest brains on this Earth are still calling crucial meetings and discussing ways and means to reduce edible oil import bill.

    Nothing will come out of such meetings.

  • This is great Idea, should have been placed in long ago. However Dair Ayad Durst Ayad . Mr Gohar Ijaz Minister of Commerce & Industries has very rightly emphasized that proper compensation to farmers for the crop will bring the desired results. It’s high time to quickly decide the strategy as sowing season of oilseeds will soon begin.

  • Learn something from tiny country Israel in technology based agriculture, a country with millions and mega millions of land needs action not just meetings to cut a $5B import bill. And the meeting itself was half hearted effort excluding representaives of All the country except Punjab.

  • All these people do is hold meetings and discuss reducing import bill of oil seed crops. They are least bothered with ground realities. Last year south punjab broke records for oilseed cultivated area. This year south punjab will again break records for reduction in oil seed cultivated area.

    Government subsidies for crop 2022/2023 are still pending.sowing time is upon us for raya/canola and all farmers I know of are not planting any this year.
    Reason being there is no controlled rate for oilseed and putting one in place would mean the govt has to buy the product from the farmer.
    Last year these same lot of people had decided to implement regulatory duty on oilseed imports thereby increasing the value of the local crop.

    They did not implement it. As a result farmers had to bear with a substantial financial loss.

    Instead of starting from where they left off last year this year they are starting afresh.
    This is the definition of ” pare likeh bewokuf “.

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