European Country Announces List of Jobs With 70% Vacancies for Foreign Workers

In March, the Czech Labour Office reported a significant number of job vacancies, totaling 284,525, closely matched by the number of job seekers at 273,478.

Despite this balance, Czech companies are experiencing labor shortages in various sectors. EURES highlights a continuous demand for new hires, especially in blue-collar and highly-skilled jobs, with a persistent need for skilled craftsmen.

A substantial 71.6% of these vacancies are open to candidates with primary or lower education, and 70.9% are deemed suitable for foreign workers. The most in-demand professions in the Czech Republic include roles in construction, manufacturing, transportation, culinary arts, and general services. Specifically, the top ten occupations sought after are:

  1. Building construction workers
  2. Forklift operators
  3. Warehouse workers
  4. Assembly workers
  5. CNC machine operators
  6. Truck and tractor-trailer drivers
  7. Cooks
  8. Bricklayers
  9. Masons and tilers
  10. Cleaners

Prague leads in job vacancies with 78,112 openings, followed by the Central Bohemia region with 58,300. The capital shows a growing interest in workers for mining, construction, manufacturing, and transportation. However, EURES notes that those with lower qualifications, particularly without a high school diploma or only primary education, are more likely to be unemployed.

For non-EU, EEA, or Swiss citizens to work in Czechia, a visa and work permit are required, even for short-term employment. Czechia offers three types of work permits: the Employee Card, the Blue Card, and the Intra-Company Transferee Card. The Czech Republic, with a minimum wage of approximately €720 per month, is listed in Eurostat’s Group 3 for countries with a minimum wage below €1000. In terms of living costs, it ranks as the 25th most expensive country in Europe according to Numbeo.

To address labor shortages, the Czech government launched a new migration program in August, targeting Indonesian polytechnic students. This program aims to bring about 300 students to work in Czechia for two years.

  • Such a great country . Instead of creating jobs in our own countries and facilitating our own people. We are being shown lying media to go seek jobs in other nations

    Like they are just editing for pakistanis to move there . This is why pakistan is backwards due to this mentality

  • Hi my name is Allah dita I’m 43 years old I have 20 years old Experiences Manufacturers and fabrication re rolling steel mill

  • My Name is Naveed Shehzad, I am qualified in bachelor in commerce but I have major experience in office work

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