Pakistan Railways to Manufacture High-Speed Modern Passenger Coaches Domestically

Pakistan Railways will be acquiring 230 passenger coaches and 820 Capacity Wagons under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) with the aim of improving the speed of the trains.

According to an official from the Ministry of Railways, out of the total, approximately 46 Completely-Built-Up (CBU) passenger coaches have been acquired so far.

The remaining 184 coaches will be manufactured domestically. These coaches are designed to operate at speeds of up to 160 km/h.

“Pakistan Railways is putting maximum efforts to complete rehabilitation and reconstruction work on the railway track along with improving the speed of the locomotives to carry passengers to their respective destinations on time,” the official added.

The official further revealed that the infrastructure, including the track and signaling system from Karachi to Peshawar, Main Line-I (ML-I), and the doubling of track from Lahore to Peshawar (462.20 Km), was also being revamped.

The official also highlighted the installation of the Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) system across 48 stations along Main Line-I (ML-I) to improve signaling and interlocking for higher speed and safety of train operation.

According to the official, the employees are well looked after, benefiting from various welfare initiatives such as healthcare provisions available through an extensive network of hospitals, dispensaries, and child healthcare units.

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