YouTube Goes Down in Pakistan Once Again [Updated]

Update: After an outage lasting for over an hour, YouTube is now once again accessible in Pakistan. However, there has been no official word from relevant authorities.

YouTube has went down in Pakistan for the second time within a matter of weeks.

Users of several Internet Service Providers (ISPs) took to social media on Tuesday evening to report that they are unable to access the website. However, YouTube was accessible via the mobile app.

Soon after the reported outage, #YouTubeDOWN was among the trend topics with more than 5,500 tweets. Most users using the tag reported that they are unable to access YouTube.

Previously, YouTube went down in Pakistan on August 21 for around an hour. The outage was limited to Pakistan only and was not a global outage.

It is pertinent to mention here that major websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube can face global outages at times. However, just like on August 21, there is no global outage of YouTube today and users were only facing the issue in Pakistan.

After the last outage, TeamYoutube, an official account that issues updates from YouTube, in a tweet, confirmed that it received reports about YouTube not working in Pakistan. However, there was no official comment by relevant authorities in Pakistan.

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    • It is Clearly Mentioned in the Article that YT is working via app. which is where Most of the users of YT are. so Stop your False Narrative that it something to do with Amraan Kaan. He’s a Buffoon

      • Buffoon is the person who thinks global streaming websites went down twice during live speech of IK. Stay in your dream world and keep washing Nawaz Sharif’s feet.

        • Both pmln and pti leaders are lairs and use abusing language. Follow the guidelines of Prophet SAW and you know the truth.

      • Even a child knows why the internet went down. if you beleive this has nothing to do with imran khan speech then either you are naive or a pmln supporter

  • working with vpn. army and patwari at it again. chor aur luteron ko he sachae chupani parti hai

  • Youtube outage has direct relationship with khan speech. Youtube goes down when khan speech starts and suddenly comes back to life when the speech ends.

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