Punjab Restores Numberdar System After 20 Years

In a significant move, the Punjab government has taken a historic decision to reinstate the Numberdar system after a gap of 20 years.

This revival aims to strengthen local governance and empower communities by providing them with 12,000 new job opportunities as Numberdars.

A summary of the fast-track recruitment process for the 12,000 vacant posts of Numberdars has already been set in motion. This will expedite the selection of competent individuals who can actively contribute to the state’s progress and development.

In addition to the employment opportunities, the government has also allocated 100 kanals of land to support the existing 38,000 Numberdars across the state. This move is aimed at recognizing their crucial role in local governance and fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility towards their communities.

The revived Numberdar system will entail these officials taking on 22 important responsibilities. Among these duties, they will play a vital role in the recovery of government lands, assist in managing natural calamities, and actively participate in improving health, education, and livestock management in their respective regions.

The decision has been met with widespread support from citizens, local communities, and experts, who believe that reintroducing the Numberdar system will bolster grassroots-level governance, enhance public services, and promote more inclusive development throughout the state.

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