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Parents Request Leniency Against Underage Drivers in Punjab

Amid the massive crackdown against underage drivers across Punjab, parents have appealed to law enforcement agencies for leniency.

These parents argue that they allow their kids to start driving at such a young age for various reasons, including taking their siblings to school because of the costly private transport services.

They have appealed to law enforcement agencies, requesting a reevaluation of the higher fines imposed on youngsters riding bikes out of necessity. Furthermore, the parents believe that instead of imposing heavy fines, underage drivers should be encouraged to adhere to traffic rules.

Additionally, they also questioned the government about the alternatives it has provided to school-going underage drivers after prohibiting them from using their vehicles.

Following the Lahore High Court’s (LHC) decision, thousands of underage drivers have been put in different jails. As per a report, 1,500 school students have been granted bail, while hundreds of others are still in prison.

Citizens told a media outlet that they are willing to stop riding motorcycles if the government provides them with affordable public transport alternatives. The spokesmen for the Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) and City Police Officer (CPO) said that they have registered more than 2,000 FIRs against underage drivers in less than two weeks.

They added that they are just following the orders of the LHC. Traffic police officials told the media outlet that out of the total registered FIRs, 99% are underage motorcyclists.

According to the citizens, private pick-and-drop school vans charge Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 15,000, making it extremely difficult for them to afford. Similarly, transporters are also charging significantly high fares.

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  • These parents are absolute cretins who are making stupid excuses to justify their irresponsibility and their childeren breaking the law. This is typical of the Pakistani mentality,

  • If they can afford the petrol for their cars driven by kids, they can certainly afford private pick and drop transportation too. Stop making excuses.

  • Giving liliency to underage drivers at the cost of lives of other road users is not logical , anywhere in the world underage are not allowed to drive and they are put in the jail straight away

  • These parents are asking for license to kill. Give your children a bicycle or school vans and give birth to those you can raise rather than running from obligations.

  • Well,the law is incorrect. Underage kids are first of all not drivers. The law must be that if underage is driving a car or a bike,the said vehicle should be confiscated by law and only be given back when the driver or guardian serve 2 years imprisonment and a fine of half the value of that vehicle. In case of non payment of the fine,the imprisonment must the increased from 2 yrs to 5 yrs. And this law should be same for all or infact more worst/strict for government employees especially law enforcement agencies/politicians etc. But….. Pakistan zindabad!

  • These parents should be jailed for giving a child license to kill on roads Pathetic and idiot parents.
    Every where children cycle to school. Here they do wheelis to go to school while killing bystanders.

  • Gov. should allow students to go schools and pick and drops their siblings with special certificates.

  • So these parents are trading off someone’s life just to avoid private pick and drop services. Also, why people over 18 wastes their time to pass driving test while underage and without license are on road. I have seen 3 youngsters loosing life due to underage driving and 1 29 years old was killed because of underage and unlicensed driver. You can pay for fuel and vehicle amount but don’t want to pay private transport for a secure travel. Then either stop making these excuses or don’t have kids which you cant afford and control.

  • The concern of parents is genuine but not in line with all of them …some of them are buying motorcycles for their kids with highest engine powers also not paying any attention to modifications which their kids are making on their vehicles for racing and one wheeling… I don’t agree with giving any flexibility to under age driving instead government may subsidize bicycles and small engine scooteies with speeds limited to max of 25-30km I hope this maybe able to resolve some problem but till the time parents don’t cooperate and monitor activities of their kids any effort to resolve the problem would be futile…

  • I Believe that licences shoukd be given out only to skilled drivers that can handle being in difficult driving situations as even drivers with no skills have driving licences nowadays making driving harder for better drivers

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