Weather Department Warns of 50+ Degree Temperatures

A meteorological official has stated that the current hot weather conditions are expected to continue until the first week of June.

Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz has warned that the maximum temperature could exceed 50 degrees Celsius between May 23 and 28.

“Pre-monsoon rainfall could begin in the first week of June,” he said. The Meteorological Office had previously warned that high-pressure systems in the upper atmosphere could lead to heatwave conditions, particularly in Sindh and Punjab.

A severe heatwave is expected to hit Pakistan from May 23rd to 27th, with temperatures soaring 4 to 6 degrees Celsius above normal in Sindh and Punjab. Moreover, temperatures are set to rise 4 to 6 degrees Celsius above normal in Islamabad, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Balochistan as well.

Public has been advised to stay indoors and minimize exposure to direct sunlight to avoid heat-related health issues. The prolonged dry and hot weather may increase the risk of bush and forest fires in vulnerable regions of Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and Northeast Balochistan.

  • 50+ temperatures? Never mind. This country’s people are the most complacent on this Earth. They will sit quietly and bear all the troubles. No protests, no sit-ins. The leaders should be grateful to the public for their dumbness.

  • @Ghareen Awam. I really don’t understand what message you are trying to convey. What has the people of this country to do with weather. And why do you need protest and sit ins for hot weather..I wonder how you get likes on your comments..

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