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Pak Suzuki Will Export Cars and Bikes to Bangladesh

Pak Suzuki Motor Company (PSMC) is reportedly ready to export cars and bikes to Bangladesh.

According to a report by, the auto manufacturer will initially export the Suzuki Swift and GR 150 bikes. It is pertinent to mention that Suzuki won’t export vehicles to Bangladesh for the first time.

In the past, it exported some parts of the Suzuki Ravi pickup. To adhere to the export policy and gain a decent import quota as per the government’s new auto policy, PSMC will export cars and bikes to Bangladesh.

AutoJournal.PK further reported, citing a Suzuki-authorized dealership, that the company planned to start the exports last month. However, the automaker suddenly changed its plans.

Pak Suzuki Motor Company is expected to make an official announcement in the coming days, as per the report. Last month, the company launched the Suzuki Swift GLX CVT with a new “Two-Tone Exterior” option, priced at Rs. 4,719,000/- (ex-factory).

This version features a Black Roof and Black Side Mirrors, adding a touch of style to the classic Swift design.

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  • Pak Sazuki will export cars to foreign country. It sounds like wave of fresh air to me.
    I heard Millat Tractor is also going to export tractors. Very nice. Give incentives to such companies that can export ten percent of their total production. Believe me no body will object to this and it is thousands time better than giving to Sugar/ Textile industries.

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