Over 100,000 SIMs of Non-Filers Blocked By FBR So Far

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has so far blocked 105,000 SIMs of non-filers of income tax returns.

Sources informed ProPakistani that the tax machinery is sending data of 5,000 non-filer individuals to telecom operators on a daily basis.

So far, 18,902 citizens have had their mobile phone SIMs restored after filing their income tax returns.

Last month, FBR set up a Joint Working Group (JWG) of tax officials and telecom operators to enforce the Income Tax General Order (ITGO) No 1 of 2024 and streamline the process blockage of SIMs of non-filers.

Leading telecom operators only started blocking non-filer SIMs on May 20.

FBR has so far identified 506,671 individuals who didn’t file their 2023 income tax returns.

  • What about those who never been registered? This move clearly tells us to never get register your self with govt because once you get enrolled you can be blackmail by them.

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