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Petrol Prices May Drop Tomorrow

Pakistani consumers may get relief from the skyrocketing inflation soon as the prices of petroleum products are expected to fall on 16 December.

According to sources, the price of petrol is expected to be slashed by Rs. 11 per liter following a global decline in prices of crude oil.

Geo News mentioned that according to industry sources the price of diesel is likely to drop by Rs. 9 per liter. The new prices will be finalized by the government after it determines whether the tax rates should be increased or decreased.

The government had announced on 30 November that the prices of petroleum products would remain the same until 15 December as per the Prime Minister’s directive. Accordingly, the price of petrol would remain Rs. 145.82 per liter.

Current Prices of Petroleum Products
  • Petrol: Rs. 145.82 per liter
  • Highspeed diesel: Rs. 142.62 per liter
  • Lightspeed diesel: Rs. 114.07 per liter
  • Kerosene oil: Rs. 116.53 per liter

The previous fuel price hikes have been pummeling Pakistani consumers this year, and the latest announcement will be a welcome relief for them.

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