Saudi Arabia Installs Thousands of Internet Towers for Hajj Pilgrims

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has installed thousands of internet towers to provide pilgrims with seamless Wi-Fi connection during Hajj in Saudi Arabia.

According to details, the Ministry has established 10,000 Wi-Fi points and 6,000 fiber-optic and communication towers across Makkah, Mina, Muzdalifah, and Arafat.

Saudi Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Engineer Abdullah Al-Sawahah, inspected the preparations of the communication networks in Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah.

He instructed all the concerned officers to provide top-notch internet service to the Hajj pilgrims during their stay. The officials briefed the Minister and his delegation regarding the arrangements of internet networks spread across the mentioned areas.

Direct Hajj Flights From Pakistan to Makkah

Direct Hajj flights from Pakistan to Makkah began on 5 June to improve convenience for the pilgrims. These flights departed from 10 cities, with the last flight scheduled to take off for Makkah on 21 June. 

After concluding their Hajj, pilgrims will travel to Madina for an eight-day stay before returning to Pakistan. Over 137 doctors and paramedics will be available around the clock to provide medical assistance to the pilgrims.

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