IT Minister Pledges to Boost Secure Digital Payment Infrastructure

Dr. Umar Saif, the Caretaker Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, highlighted the government’s dedication towards establishing a robust and secure digital payment ecosystem in the country.

Speaking with a top-tier delegation from Huawei, led by its CEO, Ethan Sun, Dr. Saif lauded Huawei’s significant contributions to Pakistan’s ICT infrastructure, terming it as a pivotal step for a digital future.

The discussions revolved around the crucial role of digital advancements in bolstering Pakistan’s economy. Dr. Saif emphasized that a blend of solid ICT infrastructure and a dynamic digital financial network brings forth numerous advantages. These include lowered transaction charges, augmented security, and the expansion of financial accessibility.

Reiterating the role of key players in the evolution of this ecosystem, Dr. Saif stated that banks, fintechs, microfinance bodies, and telecom sectors are central to this developmental stride. “Huawei’s global initiatives in mobile money and fintech epitomize how technology is instrumental in broadening financial reach and unveiling new prospects,” remarked the Minister.

Ian Ravenscroft, Vice President of Huawei Fintech, pointed out the necessity for regulatory endorsement for innovative ventures. This is a vital ingredient to cultivate a prosperous digital financial environment, as seen in countries like Kenya and Ethiopia.

The delegation from Huawei comprised esteemed officials and industry specialists, including Ethan Sun, Ian Ravenscroft, Ahmed Bilal Masud, Yu Shaoning, and Dure Najaf Zaidi.

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