Pakistani Journalist Held in Greece Over National Flag Incident

Pakistani journalist Mona Khan was reportedly arrested in Greece for “waving the Pakistani flag” during a hiking trip.

Mona Khan, a journalist associated with the state-run TV channel, was detained in Greece for showcasing the Pakistani flag while on a trip with her son.

Confirming the incident, her coach Muhammad Yousuf told ARY News that she was apprehended by the Greek police, who also seized her phone.

The coach added that he had a conversation with Mona Khan an hour before her arrest, during which she informed him about being interrogated by the police for displaying the Pakistani flag.

An audio clip circulating on social media features Mona Khan stating that she was detained by the police shortly after expressing her intention to wave the Pakistani flag.

Khan alleged mistreatment by the Greek police and urged the Pakistani government to intervene for her release.

Moreover, her coach appealed to the Pakistani government to act swiftly, stating that Khan was carrying a flag with the Kalma Tayyaba written on it.

According to recent reports, the Pakistani government has gained consular access to the anchor and marathon runner. Officials from the Pakistani embassy visited the jail where Khan is detained.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, spokesperson for the Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, confirmed that the Pakistani embassy had raised Khan’s case with Greek authorities. Baloch stated that the Pakistani embassy had requested consular access for Mona Khan from the Greek authorities.

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