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Toyota’s New Electric Car Batteries Would Let You Drive Cross Country

Toyota is the second-largest carmaker by revenue, behind Volkswagen. The Japanese automotive giant may return to the top if its claims of making a solid-state battery that lets cars travel hundreds of kilometers and charge faster are accurate.

As per a report from The Guardian, Toyota may enter the electric vehicle (EV) arena with the new battery technology. Toyota’s long-promised solid-state battery has been developed thanks to improved manufacturing techniques.

The new battery has many advantages over liquid-based lithium-ion cells which are common in most EVs. They can power a vehicle with 1,200 kilometers of range, more than twice that of ordinary EVs.

Switching to EVs requires frequent charging. Toyota claims that its solid-state battery can charge from zero to maximum capacity in 10 minutes.

Toyota has invested less in EVs than other automakers. It has stuck with hybrids, except low-volume models like the bZ4X and the Hydrogen Fuel Cell-powered Mirai.

The company claims that using battery materials to produce multiple hybrids is more efficient than a few full-electric ones. However, with the new battery tech in the works, Toyota may start making more EVs.

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