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Over 100 Vehicles Stuck in Customs for Years Due to Verification Delays

Motor Registration Authority (MRA) has requested the document verification of 100 imported vehicles from the customs department, Karachi. The vehicles have been stuck in customs for many years due to a delay in verification.

As per a media report, MRA wrote a letter to the customs office, requesting immediate verification of the imported vehicles as well as those cleared in the Amnesty Scheme for registration at Motor Registration Offices.

A representative for Excise & Taxation Punjab, M. Ziaul Haq Cheema, stated that MRA and customs office must work in tandem to ensure the timely delivery of vehicles to their owners.

He added that the MRA instead has to send letters to the custom collectorate for the lengthy verification of documents cleared under the amnesty scheme.

MRA has been waiting for the customs department to send or verify the documents, but so far, there has been total silence. Despite multiple intimations, the customs department is sound asleep, Cheema lamented.

The letter has accused the customs department of corruption and deliberate delay in the verification of documents. It also warranted the customs office’s cooperation with MRA for smooth operations.

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